Thursday, June 20, 2013

U.S. Marine rescues four orphaned bunnies hand rearing them himself.



Call the rabbit-response unit! U.S. Marine nurses orphan bunnies back to health after rescuing them from military barracks

  • Combat medic Joshua Bisnar found them while raking volleyball court at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California
  • Fed the four bunnies a probiotic formula four times a day
By Nick Enoch   |   A U.S. Marine medic, previously stationed in Afghanistan, was able to use his field skills back home... when he came to the rescue of four orphaned rabbits. Joshua Bisnar, a Naval Hospital Corpsman, found the helpless bunnies alongside their dead mother while he was raking the volleyball court at Camp Pendleton, in San Diego, California, where he was stationed with a Marine Corps unit. He scooped up the animals and carefully placed them in a makeshift home - consisting of a box with a few old shirts to make it more comfortable.
Combat medic Joshua Bisnar found four helpless baby rabbits alongside their dead mother while he was raking the volleyball court at Camp Pendleton, California
Combat medic Joshua Bisnar found four helpless baby rabbits alongside their dead mother while he was raking the volleyball court at Camp Pendleton, California
Clearly a guitar fan, he named them James (after Jimi Hendrix), Steven, Raymond and Vaughan (after Stevie Ray Vaughan)
Clearly a guitar fan, he named them James (after Jimi Hendrix), Steven, Raymond and Vaughan (after Stevie Ray Vaughan)
Clearly a fan of guitar players, the U.S. Marine named them James (after Jimi Hendrix), Steven, Raymond and Vaughan (after Stevie Ray Vaughan)
To feed them, he researched a formula mixed with probiotic he found at Petco pet store and purchased four small droppers to administer the formula into the hungry mouths three times a day. And clearly a fan of guitar players, he named them James (after Jimi Hendrix), Steven, Raymond and Vaughan (after Stevie Ray Vaughan). Bisnar said: 'I would feed them at about 6am before work, 12pm at lunch and 6pm.   'I was so scared to go to work or leave them alone, I should have given them to a wildlife sanctuary but I was scared that the car ride would be too traumatic but It was amazing how fast they grew up. 'They got out of that ugly newborn phase and started looking like fluffy little bunnies after one week.
Mr Bisnar scooped up the animals and carefully placed them in a makeshift home - consisting of a box with a few old shirts to make it more comfortable
Mr Bisnar scooped up the animals and carefully placed them in a makeshift home - consisting of a box with a few old shirts to make it more comfortable

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