Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Obama's Government IS Now God to Many

Published on Aug 12, 2013
For many misled citizens of the United States and internationally, government IS now God. The government takes care of them with federal money, runs their lives for them, and decides what they can and cannot say.
We have now officially seen the shift from Big Brother government to Big Daddy government, where the government is a father figure that takes care of its citizens.

Hmmmmm,  I  suppose  under that  premise  then  the  Middle  Class  Taxpayer  must  be   the   red  headed  step child in the  eyes  of  Father  Government?

~Desert Rose~

Prayer for President Barack Obama

Regina Young·

Published on Aug 11, 2013
The prayer that he wanted to say for our President is priceless


Hmmmmm,  Ms Regina Young is  either  implying that  Obama  is  a  Saint or  she is   misguided in  how  prayers  for  people  are  said.  This  child  has been instructed in a  manner , that seems  to the viewer, to be  praying  to Obama,  not  for  Obama.  So, is  he a  Saint to intercede since  God  has  been  mentioned.  Or   is he  also a  God  to  be  prayed  to and  thanked  for  his  merciful gifting  and  accomplishments?

A  very  twisted view  of  what is  happening  to  this  Nation.  Yes  the  child's innocent  enthusiasm is  precious.  It is the  intent  behind  what the  child has  been  instructed  to  do  that  is  so  disturbing........

~Desert Rose~

Praying To Obama SICK SICK SICK

Lest  we  forget  where  this  twisted  view  began we  revisit  3 years ago  to   his  elders and in the  House  of God  nonetheless!  I  wonder  where  they  left  their  bibles  when they  were  orchestrating  this prayer service?

~Desert Rose ~

The beatification of Barack Hussein Obama continues...

Move over golden calf, children have started praying to Obama

By Robert Laurie ( Bio and Archives)
Monday, August 12, 2013

If you thought that Barack Obama was just a mortal man elected to a temporary position in office, you thought wrong.  According to this video, he’s much, much, more than that.  He is a divine instrument, replete with God-given “special powers.”
According to various sources, the following video was posted to Youtube by the boy’s mother, where it was billed as “A Prayer for Barack Obama.” The problem is that the child here isn’t praying for the President, he’s praying to him. He even goes so far as to thank him for “everything you have done for us” and - unbelievably - for taking “all the responsibility” for his actions.

Read More Here

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