Friday, January 17, 2014

West Virginia company behind water contamination cited at second facility

  • State inspectors found five violations at storage facility
  • Company storing coal-cleaning chemicals at second site


West virgina
Crews clean up a chemical spill along the Elk River in Charleston,West Virginia last Thursday. Photograph: Tyler Evert/AP
State inspectors have cited the company whose spill contaminated the water supply for 300,000 West Virginians for five violations at a second facility where it is storing chemicals, and they say Freedom Industries might have to relocate its materials again because of a lack of a secondary containment plan.
State inspectors found the violations Monday at a Nitro site where Freedom Industries moved its coal-cleaning chemicals after Thursday's spill, according to a state Department of Environmental Protection report. Inspectors found that, like the Charleston facility where the leak originated, the Nitro site lacked appropriate last-resort containment to stop chemical leaks.
A department report described the site's secondary containment as "deteriorated or nonexistent." It described a building with holes in its walls at floor level and a trench surrounding the structure that lets stormwater mix with spilled chemicals.
Department spokesman Tom Aluise said the ditch eventually drains into the river.

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