Thursday, September 10, 2015

5 Root Cellar Alternatives That Are Low-Cost And Easy-To-Make

Off The Grid News

Written by: Tricia Drevets Off-Grid Foods
Image source: HomeDepot Image source: HomeDepot   During the summer there is nothing better than picking fruits and vegetables from your garden and then enjoying them at your dinner table that evening. The taste, freshness and convenience cannot be beat. But how can you continue to enjoy fresh homegrown produce when they’re not in season? One way is with a root cellar. It is with the use of root cellars that our ancestors provided nutritious food to their families all year round. Long before refrigerators were in every kitchen, most homes included some sort of root cellar that was designed to preserve nature’s bounty. Root cellars today can take many forms, from very basic to more complicated. But all of them provide a cool, ventilated, humid and dark space to store fresh food. Foods that do well in a root cellar environment include apples, pears, oranges, potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, winter squash and nuts. 

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