Sunday, October 6, 2013

More allegations of abuse at the San Bernardino City animal shelter (Photos)

More allegations of abuse at the San Bernardino City animal shelter

 Examiner .com

October 3, 2013

Ex-shelter worker comes forward with some serious allegations regarding the San Bernardino City animal shelter. This worker states that, “Dogs were hung by leashes” and that “animals were given a third of the required euthanization drugs and suffered a slow death.” This worker goes on to say that, “animals were kicked and punched; animals were and are killed under the guise of being sick, when they were or are actually healthy and adoptable. At least one member of staff involved in this abuse is thought to be still working at the shelter.” This same worker also stated that, “the RVT had no license and had not a license in over 10 years!”
On Saturday, May 11th, 2013, Maria Sanchez, an animal advocate, was at the shelter when a man surrendered a box of underage puppies (A446036) seen here in this video. Per Facebook post, “After taking photos and video, she spoke with Ryan Long, the kennel supervisor, and told him she was going to network for a rescue for the pups. Ryan told Maria not to bother; that she would be wasting her time. That's when she learned of the new policy - and the deaths of the babies.” This new policy is being called the shelter’s “most callous” and “hateful move to date”. They go on to explain, “shelter supervisors’ have declared that they will no longer allow staff or volunteers to contact rescues to save underage puppies or kittens dumped at the shelter without their mothers. If a rescue is present at the time the babies are impounded the rescue can take them, but if no rescue is there the puppies or kittens will be taken to the back and immediately killed.” Animal advocates say that when they question this new policy that they are told it’s because there is no one to bottle feed these new babies, but there are tons of rescues and fosters that would bottle feed puppies if they were given the chance.
Another problem animal advocates are upset about is about animals that were not deemed aggressive by their former owners or by volunteers, but the shelter states that they are aggressive and uses that as an excuse to kill them. In addition, they are also killing animals before they are even available for rescue or adoption, thus eliminating any chance of them being rescued or adopted. For example, two dogs named Combat (ID#A446861) and Shakira (ID#A446862) were killed (PTS) on May 29, 2013 at 8:35 and 8:36 a.m., two days before their available date.

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