Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Warm and Fuzzies : Kids Read to Cats with the “Book Buddies Program” at The Animal Rescue League of Berks County, Pennsylvania


Book Buddies at ARL Berks County
The Animal Rescue League (ARL) of Berks County, Pennsylvania have implemented the “Book Buddies” program, a novel way to bring together shelter cats wanting companionship and school-age children wanting to improve their reading skills.
Children in grades 1-8 who are able to read at any level may come into the shelter to read to the cats in our adoption room. Similar programs at other shelters across the country have seen the benefits the program has to offer. The program will help children improve their reading skills while also helping the shelter animals. Cats find the rhythmic sound of a voice very comforting and soothing
The Berks County ARL accepts donations through their site. They are also on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest.
Book Buddies at ARL Berks County
Book Buddies at ARL Berks County
Book Buddies
Book Buddies at ARL Berks County
images via The Animal Rescue League (ARL) of Berks County
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