Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Injured puppy dumped at California construction site

Princess Louise dumped at construction site

Today, the pup who was dumped at a construction site in central California is known as "Princess Louise," but yesterday, she was just another abandoned, unwanted cast-off of society.
Thanks to Facebook networking, this little princess has been saved.

The plea for help came on Friday afternoon with the following words issued to hundreds of people:
Puppy dumped at construction site, badly broken leg needs vet care asap. Person who found puppy at the site can not take dog home due to already taking 3 dogs that were dumped previously and is at max for household.
The response was swift...perfect strangers coordinated to pick up, meet and pass off - the rescue efforts necessary to save one precious soul's life.

The latest update on "PL" reveals that she has been seen by a veterinarian and plans are in the works to guarantee a safe future:
Little PL will spend the night at the vet to watch her since she's lethargic. The break is older, the leg is atrophied, growth plate is broken just above the knee, so there is nothing to reattach it to. amputation is a highly likely outcome. She also has a scratch on her eye that is going to be treated. BUT she will heal and go on to a forever home.
Anyone hoping to contribute to this little girl's veterinary expenses can do so with the information below:
Donations can be called into Adobe Animal Hospital 4470 El Camino Real Los Altos, CA 94022 or call in 650-948-9661 under Carrie Colet "New dog" the name will be changed to Princess Louise.
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