Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Animal Rescue Stories : Saving a baby squirrel

This is what I found yesterday when I got home from work. I thought it was dead. Mom probably dropped him while carrying him and there he lay under our mailbox. I went to get a shovel to bury him, and when I came back, it was hobbling away down the sidewalk (seemed either stunned or hurt leg). There was no way I was leaving him for the neighborhood cats, so I put him into my flower bed in front, with ground cover to help hide him and hoping mom would come get him. I called hubby at work to tell him that I found him and where I put him. I had to leave to go to a meeting, and knew he would be home a little later. When I got home, I walked in the door and asked if he had a chance to see if the baby was okay or not. He said “yeah, he’s here in a shoebox in the kitchen…wanna see him?” I was stunned! All I could think of to say to him was “ you are beyond wonderful”. Once hubby got him into the house, and fending off our cat Liv, he warmed up some half and half and fed it to him. He scarfed that down and hubby went off to the pet store to get some kitten formula. Now, it was announced by hubby at bedtime that he had done his part, and now it was my turn to feed him throughout the night…which I did every 2 hours.!! We put him in my closet in the bedroom where it was warm. He drinks a liitle amount of formula, then crawls into a fold of the towel in his shoebox and goes back to sleep. We will be taking him to a wild animal rehabilitator this evening and she will take him to a vet for a checkup. He appears perfectly fine, without injuries today.
Ferndale, MI

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