Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Animal Rescue Stories : Lucky New Years Eve

It was New Years Eve 2008. I was walking my dog Teddi when we came across this dog that looked like a Lab/Pit mix wagging her tail. She followed us at my urging and invitation. It took four hours but we finally got her inside. I was out of work and was not sure how I could afford a second dog. She curled up and slept that night like she was exhausted. I was told she had been in that area a few days sleeping behind a dumpster and that someone had been seen with a leash and no dog. I took her around but nobody came forth. I had her vetted, treated for heartworm and spayed after she completed her heat cycle. I called her Lucky. She has been enjoying life with us and made a good sister to Teddi. If you think you can't, believe me in with God's favor everthing is possible. I am glad she is my baby.
Houston, TX

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